Sunday, October 9, 2011

Te Jenjam/Ginger Tea


Ginger has a lot of healing properties. It has been linked to building one's immune system, aiding with stomach pain, migraines, nausea and help with digestive issues. Soon after I had my daughter, I was constantly being told to drink ginger tea every morning for the sake of settling my stomach, bloating and building my immune system. With just a dab of honey, you too will get addicted to this spicy energizing tea. Just don't over do it.


1 ginger root
3 cups of water
sugar or honey (added to taste)

Grated ginger root

Please wash the root before anything. Using a spoon peel off the skin of the root. Then grate the root completely. Once grated you should have stringy and juiced consistency. You use a sealable tea bag to steep into hot water or just spoon in 2 to 3 tablespoons of shredded ginger into 3 cups of water boiling water. Once water comes to a boil lower the temperature and let steep for 5 minutes. If you are adding the shredded ginger into boiling water be sure to strain before drinking. For a creamier texture add in some milk/cream and vanilla. This combination is a creamy, sweet and spicy tea.

Lastly add sugar or honey to taste and enjoy. Place the remainder of the fresh grated ginger into a sealable container and store in the refrigerator for future use. You can even freeze it. This tea is even better during the winter.
